Friday, January 27, 2012


I came across a fun blog, Delia Creates, not to long ago and loved her I-Spy idea. After talking to a friend of mine I realized it'd be fun to do in collaboration with other moms so the pictured toys were a mix of familiar and unfamiliar items. I set it up as a playdate and the fun day was yesterday.

I decided to do our book by colors and in the end we'd have 9 separate sections. Every mom was instructed to bring a toy of each color. While the kids played, we spread out a white paper and went color by color. It was a lot of fun but time consuming both taking the pictures and then editing. I did the picture taking but had help arranging and had someone to keep an eye on Nolan!!

Now all I have to do is print the pictures and put them into a album so he can start sorting and finding!! I think I might have a nice shutterfly coupon so maybe we'll do a photo book instead!! If you're interested in having any of the pics for your own book, just let me know and I can send you the link!

Orange Search Page

Orange Key - Find me!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Quiet Book

I'm in the process of making a quiet book through a co-op group I out together. Basically I just solicited a bunch of friends and family for the group (yep, you same people reading this already know this lol). Each of us participating will make one double sided page for each of the other moms in the group. Then once we exchange we'll have a complete book. It lets you get really good at two pages yet get a very diverse book.

I have my proto-types done. I actually made a few other pages in the process but they were too time consuming so I finally figured out my pattern. Here they are!! Now I'll sew these two together to have a complete 2-sided page. Only ten more to go!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Sorry our blog has sat idle for so long. With the Holidays and days off work for hubby, we've been busy. Nolan thoroughly enjoyed his third Christmas and loved the family time even more. On Tim's first day back at work, Nolan asked about him numerous times and cried when he found out daddy wasn't home.

Nol now cheeses every time he sees me grab the camera. He takes my phone from me and holds it to his eye like he is taking pictures and says "cheese". Gone are the days of natural smiles in photographs!!

In the past few days, we've had an explosion of new words. Our non verbal little guy is learning fast. He's said a friend's name for the first time ever and went on to say the names of four good friends. We've added new colors to our vocabulary and lots of new animals.

My favorite new word is "Boob." Yep, I've been trying to wean Nolan and all I get is a pitiful little cry and his begging voice saying "boob mama, boob." Poor baby!! We've cut out his nursing sessions before nap and bed for the past two days and managed to go one entire night with no nursing too. Last night though was plain horrible and I ended up nursing him. I think I'm going to take it baby stapes at a time and allow him to nurse if he wakes in the night. That will still be a big change for a kiddo used to nursing before nap and bedtime too. Hopefully in a few weeks we'll be able to drop the nighttime nursing too but we'll see! I've either been pregnant or nursing for the past 3 years now!