Our three month long project is finally finished. Nolan has his very first quiet book to play with. I loved the idea from Pinterest and a few of my favorite blogs but felt like buying the parts to make enough fun pages would be expensive since you couldn't buy in bulk. That's where the co-op came in to play. A group of us each focused on one complete page and made enough copies for everyone. You could buy in bulk and got good at your page. Here is the end result.
My front cover. It's thick pellon covered with some 70's polyester in bright red. I'll likely paint the front with "Nolan's Quiet book" but haven't decided yet. This is where I need my embroidery machine!!!
The back cover is more playful! I used binder rings from Staples and grommeted each page for strength. A webbing latch secures the book and it's contents and fastens with snaps. I love my cloth diaper snap pliers!!
Page 1 is a Potato head play page. The pieces slide up the bottom of the potato head and are secured while not in use.
Page 2 and 3 go together. The refrigerator is on the right side and dinner plate on the left. Inside the fridge are felt bread, cheese, and lunchmeat to build a sandwich on the plate. They are secured with velcro to one another and can be undone and put back together in different combinations.
Page 4 is a fun ice cream truck. Inside the truck are ice cream scoops that stack on the cone. They are in various colors for learning fun. Page 5 is a counting abacus page. The beads correspond to the numbers and are color sorted for more learning opportunities.
Page 6 is a transportation page. Inside the pocket, which flips up out of the way for play, is a train, boat, airplane, and car attached and secured to ribbon. Page 7 is a shape matching page. Each shape snaps on an can be stored in the pocket.
Page 8 is the itsy bitsy spider play page. The poem is written on the page and parts for acting out the fun are included. Page 9 is a peek a boo page. Under the mittens is a clear pocket where pictures can be stored.
Page 10 is a fishing sail boat age. Inside the boat 3 fish are stored and on the tip of the fishing pole is a magnet. The fish can be caught! Page 11 is for practicing tying!
Page 12 is picnic play. Inside the basket are the place settings for a picnic. Under the ladybug fabric is the picnic blanket. the ladybug fabric covers the velcro so it doesn't wear away adjoining pages. Page 13 is monster fun! Inside the pocket are various pieces to make monster faces.
Page 14 is gladiator/knight fun. The dress up man has various cute dress up parts such as a sword and shield.
We're actually missing a few pages that came in late. I have to get a few more grommets for those then will add them to the book and hopefully update this post too!