Thursday, June 29, 2017

OgoSport Water Play Day

I was lucky enough to be able to try OgoSport's new water play toy, the OgoDisk H2O thanks to Tryazon.

Headquartered in The Brooklyn Navy Yard in Brooklyn, NY, OgoSport designs award-winning toys to get kids and families to "Move. Think. Play.”

So what is an OgoDisk you ask? It's simple. 

The OgoDisk H2O is designed specifically for bouncing water balloons. I love how the disk, made of nylon-spandex and rubber lets kids use their imagination and be active. In just a few moments mine went from bouncing water balloons to pretending is was a shield. This lightweight disk flies much like a frisbee and even floats. 

Great for target practice

...and maybe even as a chew toy haha. 

The weather has spoiled two of our recent water playdate so my three boys have turned creative. Air balloons in the house with their disks!!