Tuesday, August 21, 2018

First Day Printable - Kindergarten

I'll add to this post as I create more but here's a quick 1st day of Kindergarten printable I created for my middle child. It's a big week here in our house!! Available for download here.

Click the link above to download a printable .pdf. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Connecting with Kid Knex!

We were fortunate enough to be chosen to host a Kid K'nex exploration party through Tryazon. We got to explore their building sets aimed at the preschool market and it was pure LOVE. I have to admit I already owned two sets of these building block type toys that I had scavenged form garage sales. At the time of purchase I checked online and couldn't find more. I'm so glad to see them readily available and a new focus point for K'nex brands. THEY ARE AMAZING. Our local science museum has them out for free play and they are always busy. If you have a toddler through early elementary school age child they will enjoy them.

How are they different than other building sets??

Like other K'nex products, the pieces connect easily to make 3-d builds. These sets include pieces like eyeballs, fins, feet, and more. My children build geometric masterpieces along with crazy animal monsters.

You're luckier than I was years ago searching for Kid K'nex because they're available online through Amazon! These would be a perfect Christmas gift for grandparents wanting to make parents happy with a stimulating choice and children happy with fun!!

Did you miss our live unboxing on Facebook?? Check out the short clip here.