I've finally joined a gym. MyGym that is and it's for Nolan not me. You didn't really think you'd see me on a treadmill did you??
Monday I scheduled a playdate for my mom's group there and afterwards they offered us a steep discount. Since Nolan loved it so much, I decided to join for at least a month or two. The second we walked in the door he took off through the open kids door and straight to the fun. I grabbed him and brought him back while I signed in and he cried thinking he wasn't going to get to play. Of course they said, "Just let him in it's ok!" and off he went. I think his favorite spot was the ball pit next to the mirror. He found the handsome baby in the mirror and smiled and giggled away. Here are a few shots from our fun. I'm sure you'll see more once we start in September.
He insisted on getting in the jumpers that were up for the tiny babies. Good thing he weighs the same as them! |
Smiling after a somersault. |
He had a look of joy on the downswing each time and pure terror on the upswing. He seemed really proud of himself once done though! |
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