Hula Hoop Pass
Equipment: 2 Hula Hoops
Have the group stand in a circle and hold hands. Place a hula hoop around the arms of two Scouts to start. Have the group figure out how to pass the hula hoop around the entire circle without ever undoing hands or letting go. If they master that try it with two hula hoops (Same start point passing two together).
Source unknown. Not my original image. |
Rock Paper Scissors Relay
Before You Start:
- Divide into two groups with each group in a single file line.
- Each line of players starts at the ends of the “U”
- Review how to Ro Sham Bo (also called Rock-Paper-Scissors).
- Make sure everyone know where to go when they win and when they don't.
Set Up:
Set out a path using hula hoops. Place one group at the start on each side.
How To Play:
- The goal of the game is for a player from one line to make it to the start of the opposite team's line.
- The game begins on a signal from the leader.
- The first players in each line begin jumping with both feet into each hoop on the path towards each other.
- When the first two players from opposite teams encounter each other on the path, they stop and Rock, Paper, Scissors, until one player wins.
- The winner continues jumping/hopping on the path in the same direction, while the other side allows their next player to do the same on the path.
- Again when the players encounter each other, they do Rock, Paper, Scissors, until one player wins.
- The game continues until one player makes it all the way to the other side. Then that player rejoins her/his line and two new players begin.Bean Bag Balance RaceSet Up:
- Set out 5 hoops in a row and 5 more right next to them (5 by 2 grid)
- place equal number of bean bags in the starting hoop for each person (2)
How To Play:- This is a race in groups of two
- Each player starts behind the first hula hoop on their side and has bean bags inside the hula hoop
- While in a push up/plank position on their arms and toes they move the bean bags one at a time to the next hop in their line then move themselves all without breaking their position
- The first to travers the entire line of 5 hoops with their bean bags wins.This idea was found here where you can view a video of the process.
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