Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Road Trip Recap

Nolan was such a trooper in the car. We won't mention the actual wedding ceremony he was supposed to walk in but the 14hrs in the car each way were great. I only sat in the back next to him for an hour or two on each trip. He did nap a bit in the car but the first night stayed wide awake until we reached our stopping point well after 11pm.

His favorite activity on the trip that I made was definitely using the railroad tracks and roadways to "build". He didn't even bother to play with the cars or trains on the roadways much just made new paths and tracks over and over. He did play cars, trains, and airplanes separately.

The magnet toys on his cookie sheet were also a hit along with the magnet books. The alphabet plate game was fun but required a lot of mommy help to physically maneuver it and clip the clothespins. Nolan is big into sorting by color at home and that proved to be true on the road too.

The travel tray we used was fun but he would tire of it quickly. I didn't strap it around him and just let it lay there so he could toss it when ready. The cookie sheet was definitely much more used and much cheaper at only 1 dollar from the dollar store!! His homemade neck pillow was also a favorite. He would put it on and off by himself and slept with it during all his naps.

We didn't get to the activity pages I made but did plain coloring. He didn't understand the marble maze and wanted me to take the "ball" out and out the "pirate hat" on his head.  At home we tie a bandana on and play pirates so he thought that was what it was.

Here are some pics of Nol in the car!

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