Monday, September 11, 2017

Djubi Fun at Scout Camp

Thanks to Treason I was able to bring along a great party pack from Djubi Games to our recent Cub Scout camp out. Along with all of our planned activities there is a lot of down time for the boys. They love staying active and playing games and as leaders we often need activities that will capture their attention without requiring ours. Djubi was perfect!

What's Djubi you ask? Djubi makes sling ball games and products. In short, a fun new way to throw and catch. My boys LOVE anything they can sling, shoot, throw, launch or rocket off to play. These fit the bill perfectly.

As you can see in the picture above the net catcher has a small lip on the top. That lip grabs the blue rubber band from the ball and lets you fling it to your buddy. It's safe, soft, but fun too!

At Cub Scout camp we had boys from 2 year old siblings up to teenagers playing with the products and having a blast. Parents got in on the game too.

We used our Dartball which come with an easily storable target to play a little competitive launch.

Blue Orange Games sent along party packs with lots of small easy to pack games. Our boys played with them and LOVED the creative games. They were challenging enough for our 5th graders yet could be modified to allow the kindergarteners and young siblings to enjoy too.

Djubi products can be purchased directly from their website here.

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