Saturday, February 15, 2014

Cloth Diaper Troubleshooting

Getting the right fit.
  1. Make sure the pocket insert is smoothly placed inside the cover. It needs to lie flat and straight.
  2. All portions of the insert should be tucked inside the pocket and none of the inner diaper layer should be folded over or exposed to outside of wicking will occur.
  3. Adjust the snaps so the rise of the diaper is snug and not unnecessarily bulky.
  4. Always use the wing snap to ensure a snug fit along the leg.

My diapers are leaking.
  1.  If your diapers are brand new check the fit of the diaper. Diapers that are too loose or adjusted too small can both leak. The inner fabric of a pocket diaper needs to be snug against the babies bottom in order for urine to be quickly absorbed and not pool and run out.
  2. Pocket one-size diapers fit best from 10-30#. Every child is different though so a very thin 10# baby might not yet fit.
  3.  If your diapers have been in use a while and just started leaking, the problem is likely detergent, mineral, or rash cream buildup and they need to be “stripped”. Stripping refers to the process of removing that detergent buildup. It can be done numerous ways.
    1. RLR – Soak clean diapers in RLR and hot water for 4-5 hours (bucket or tub) and then rinse until suds are gone.
    2. Add a tbsp. of original dawn dish soap to the wash cycle (clean diapers) and then rinse until all suds are gone.
    3. Boil the inserts only (NEVER THE OUTER POCKETS)

My diapers smell.
  1.   If your diapers smell once your baby wets them but are fine coming out of the machine, they likely need to be stripped. See #3 above. 
  2.   Increase the frequency of your wash schedule and do not leave diapers as long in the pail. 

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