Friday, September 18, 2015

Body Comp Fun!

I was lucky enough to be chosen to host an iHealth party through Tryazon. A part of the party pack included the iHealth core wireless body composition scale and their wireless blood pressure monitor. I was immediately thrilled with the idea of tracking my halt through their free and well thought out app. It's iPhone compatible and you can log in from any webpage to view your private health data too.

The iHealth core body composition scale does a lot more than just weigh a person. Here are some technical specs better left to the pros to explain...

  • Body weight range: 11 lb – 400 lb/ 5-180 kg
  • Body fat measurement range: 5%-65%
  • Body water measurement range: 20%-85%
  • Visceral fat rating range: 1-59
  • Body weight: ±1.1lbs (11lbs~88lbs); ±(1%+0.2lbs) (8~330lbs); ±0.5kg (5kg~40kg); ±(1%+0.1kg)(40kg~150kg)
  • Body fat: ±1%
  • Body water: ±1%
  • Body muscle mass: ±(1% + 0.2 lbs) / ±(1% + 0.1 kg)
  • Bones mass: ±0.66lbs / ±0.3 kg
  • Visceral fat rating: ±2
  • DCI (Daily Calorie Intake): ±200kcal
You are more than a number. You are Beautiful!
So what's that all mean? For me it immediately gave me the info to show that I was dehydrated. This is important since I'm currently nursing my son. I probably could have guessed this but now that t's in writing it's easier to do something about it! I found out my body fat measurement is fine for a female of my age/size and surprisingly my bone mass isn't as much as I would guess. No idea what to do with that knowledge but with Halloween coming up it made me think of skeletons and I thought they'd be a lot heavier!

It was very easy to sync the scale to my iPhone app and the scale allows more than one user too. Just a tip, don't hold your iPhone and try to measure yourself. It will only give the weight reading not the body fat calculations! 

The wireless blood pressure monitor is also a breeze to use. The data easily syncs to the same app and your information is shown right along with the other data points. iHealth has additional tools such as glucose meters and pulse ox devices too. 

I received the above mentioned products in order to share with friends and review. All opinions are my own and no compensation was received. 

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